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Female Sexual Wellness

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As a woman’s life progresses she will go through many bodily changes, her vagina included. Issues for women will arise as we age, after childbirth, and sometimes due to other vaginal health issues. If you are having issues with sex, arousal, or even issues with urinary incontinence the O-Shot® could be right for you.

What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® is a great way to treat many female vaginal complaints with their own blood! This procedure utilizes platelet rich plasma (PRP) which we retrieve from your own blood in order to heal and restore the vaginal area. PRP contains growth factors that stimulate healing and repair to your vaginal area without injection of any foreign medications or substances. With just one treatment you can achieve relief of symptoms and relief from troublesome vaginal symptoms.

What can be treated with the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® may be right for you if you are suffering from any of the following: decreased libido, vaginal dryness, decreased ability to orgasm, vaginal pain after childbirth from tearing or episiotomy, urinary incontinence, and even lichen sclerosus.


What are the benefits of the O-Shot®?

The benefits of the O-Shot® are numerous with the most important being that it is non-surgical and drug-free! Women report phenomenal results that are fast and many women enjoy the results with sexual relations the day of the procedure. Women report increase in sensitivity, increase in vaginal moisture, tighter skin in the vagina, and as many as 95% of women report relief of urinary incontinence.

What can I expect from the O-Shot® procedure?

When a patient comes for a O-Shot® procedure we begin with the numbing process which is achieved with a strong numbing cream. While the patient is numbing, their blood will be drawn in order to obtain PRP from the patient. We take a syringe of blood in order to then spin-down in the centrifuge and extract the platelet rich plasma. Once the PRP is separated the injection procedure can begin. Injections are strategically placed into the vagina and clitoris in places to improve function and sensation. The PRP will function naturally to restore blood flow, and regenerate healthy tissue.

How can I get started or get more information?

Call our office today for a free consultation to find out if the O-Shot® is right for you. Our provider may need to do a brief physical exam as well in order to determine the extent of your concerns/symptoms to achieve best results.

Ultra Femme 360

Ultra Femme 360 offers a whole new approach to women’s intimate health. FDA-cleared, the technology provides state-of-the-art, non-invasive treatment for vaginal rejuvenation, tightening and improvement of sexual function.

What can the Ultra Femme 360 procedure do?

The Ultra Femme 360 procedure provides can tighten the vaginal opening while improving natural lubrication and increase sensation. The procedure increases blood supply to the treated areas and rebuilds collagen and elasticity. It can also tighten and firm exterior labia areas. Many patients also experience an improvement in stress incontinence and relief from itching, dryness and painful intercourse.


Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can happen at any age, but it’s more prevalent for women after childbirth and menopause. Urinary incontinence is embarrassing at any age. Permian Basin Med Spa and Aesthetics Center, we understand how bladder leakage can affect your life in so many ways, both physically and emotionally, which is why we provide a nonsurgical solution to help alleviate this condition and restore your sense of well-being.

Our office now offers state-of-the-art treatments for women living in and around the Permian Basin who are dealing with urinary incontinence. With the Ultra Femme 360™, urinary incontinence doesn’t have to be part of your life, no matter what your age.

Who gets urinary incontinence?

This annoying, life-disrupting problem happens to twice as many women as men. That’s because women experience pregnancies, vaginal deliveries, and menopause — all contributing factors for stress incontinence and urge incontinence. These are the most common types of urinary incontinence and are the result of weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Stress incontinence is when you sneeze or laugh too hard and lose urine involuntarily. Urge incontinence, or overactive bladder, gives you a sudden, intense urge to use the bathroom, but not enough time to get there before you experience urine leakage. Both types are common among women who’ve delivered babies or as a result of the hormonal changes that occur during menopause.

Don’t accept urinary incontinence as a normal part of aging Many women believe that urinary incontinence is just something you must “learn to live with” after having babies or once you’ve gone through menopause. But that’s simply not true. Today’s advanced technology makes it possible to effectively treat urinary incontinence with a simple, painless, nonsurgical procedure: the BTL Ultra Femme 360.

With just 2-4 treatment sessions lasting just 15 minutes or less each, this groundbreaking radiofrequency (RF) technology rejuvenates vaginal tissue both inside and out, to provide a significant improvement from stress incontinence. It also tightens loose vaginal tissue and may help increase sensitivity during intercourse. During your treatment session, you can treat both internal and external vaginal tissue, if you desire.

Comfortable treatments and no downtime

If you’re like many women with urinary incontinence issues, you have no desire to undergo surgery and downtime to correct the problem, so instead you just deal with it. Fortunately, with Ultra Femme 360, a surgical procedure isn’t your only option.

During this nonsurgical treatment, our nurse practitioner will insert the Ultra Femme 360’s disposable wand into the vagina which safely heats vaginal tissue to a controlled temperature. The RF energy is safe and comfortable. Women often describe the sensation as comparable to a hot stone massage.

There’s no pain at all, and the internal treatment takes just about eight minutes. Once your vaginal tissue reaches the desired temperature, your body responds by increasing blood supply to the area and starting the process of producing new collagen. This collagen production continues for several weeks after each treatment session, and as a result, your vaginal tissue tightens.

The effects can last up to a year.

Uniquely Ultra Femme 360

The BTL Ultra Femme 360 is the only radiofrequency device on the market that treats internal vaginal tissue a full 360° during each treatment session. The toning and tightening effect on vaginal tissue helps support weakened pelvic floor muscles, so you experience less instances of stress incontinence when you laugh, sneeze, or strain to lift something heavy.

Treatments can help you feel more confident during exercise classes or enjoying a day with friends, minus the worry that you’ll have an embarrassing accident. The Ultra Femme 360 does so much more than alleviate your anxieties about urinary incontinence. It also provides the reassurance you need to fully enjoy your life again.

Is the Ultra Femme 360 right for you? Our compassionate medical team at Permian Basin Med Spa and Aesthetics can customize a plan based on your individual needs. Call our preferred office location in Midland, Texas, to schedule a consultation today.

Who is the Right Candidate for Ultra Femme 360?

This is an excellent procedure for anyone who has given birth, is over 40 or wants to feel more confident aesthetically. Ultra Femme 360 provides a safe and effective treatment that can work wonders comfortably, with no downtime.

What does the procedure feel like?

Our provider will select the correct form-fitting applicator tip size as everyone has a unique vaginal canal size and shape. While the Ultra Femme 360 homogeneously heats the treated area, you will feel a pleasant and comfortable heat. Following the treatment, you may notice mild redness and swelling in the treated area which usually disappears within a few hours.

How long does the treatment take and how many treatments are needed?

Intravaginal treatment takes 10-15 minutes. External treatment is based on your specific needs, and usually takes less than 15 minutes. Our provider will tailor a treatment plan for you. Recommended number of treatment sessions is 3, scheduled once a week.

How fast will I see results?

Patients have reported improvements after a single treatment session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few months. With no downtime, you may resume normal activity immediately after treatment.

Can I use the Femme 360 with the O-Shot®?

Yes! We offer packages for you to take advantage of both procedures in order to maximize results!

Hormone Replacement

Hormonal balance is important to achieve in order to have the best quality of life possible as we age for men and women alike. Restoring hormones to an optimal and balanced level can improve your day to day as well as prevent you from many age-related illnesses related to lack of hormonal balance.

What is hormone replacement?

We replace hormones with a method called bio-identical hormone therapy. This means that any hormone replacement coming from our office is done by substances that are compounded in such a way that they are chemically identical to the ones our body naturally produces. We do not prescribe synthetic hormones that are found to not be as compatible with the natural makeup of our bodies. Depending on what’s right for you and your preference these treatments can come in the form of pills, creams, shots, or pellets, or a combination.

How do I know if my hormones are unbalanced?

For a woman the symptoms can be numerous, depending on age, personal history, and which hormones are imbalanced. Common symptoms can include:

  • Weight loss or gain that has no other explanation
  • Heat or cold intolerance
  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Brittle or weak bones
  • Irritation
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Decreased libido
  • Bloating
  • Changes to hair
  • Changes to appetite
  • Heavy or irregular periods
  • Acne
  • Growth of hair on face, chin, other parts of body

For a male, hormonal imbalance can occur even at a young age, sometimes even late 20s or 30s. Male hormonal imbalance symptoms can include:

  • Development of breast tissue
  • Tenderness to breasts
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decrease in hair that grows on face and/or body
  • Loss of bone or muscle mass
  • Hot flashes
  • Difficulty concentrating

How do I know if I am a candidate for hormone therapy? What is the process?

The process begins with a consultation with our nurse practitioner to see what symptoms you are experiencing that are troublesome to you. This will be followed by a presentation of lab orders to you to go and have drawn in order to check certain blood levels of hormones. From there you will return to discuss your results and what treatment plan/ methods are right for you.


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